Hi I’m Miss Baxter, I am the newest member of the Multiflex team having joined in September 2020. I initially left university as a Marine Biologist and worked abroad in Indonesia performing coral reef research and later Great White Shark research in Australia. Following a year of travel, I returned to the UK wanting to pursue a career working with children. I retrained and obtained my master’s degree, which led to my work as a qualified Speech and Language Therapist. I practiced in paediatrics within clinical and mainstream school settings and continue to provide speech and language support to-date on a part-time basis. Following a career break to raise a family, I returned to work as a Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant, working predominately with individuals with autism. I am a proficient user and advocate of Makaton, a language programme that uses signs together with speech and symbols, to enable people to communicate.
It was during my time as a teaching assistant that I met and worked alongside the Multiflex team. I was struck by their ability to nurture each child’s talents and unlock the potential within but mostly by the amount of joy they brought to the children in their care. I am deeply passionate about how we communicate with our children and was always impressed with the team’s skill and the respect shown to pupils. It was an easy “yes” when I was asked to join the team. The children we work with are fantastic and their positive attitude and enthusiasm is infectious. I consider myself lucky to enjoy the work as I do and privileged to watch the children develop. In my spare time I enjoy swimming, yoga and remain a keen scuba diver, though only in warmer climes!